Cazale “Rex” (2022)

New Single available on Spotify, iTunes and more Video By Gabriel Varela.

On 1 August 1931 the new giant of the Italian Merchant Navy was launched, the “Rex”, the transatlantic most impressive ever built up to that moment. Powering 140,000 horsepower for 51,000 gross tons, the Rex was among the fastest and most luxurious ships in the world in the 1930s. The Rex would have been the first cruise ship in history destined to carry a new type of passenger: the tourist and no longer just the emigrant. You did not travel only for necessity, but also for pleasure and America for once would no longer be just the destination of desperate job seekers. My grandfather Mario also took part in that extraordinary construction, who at the time worked at the Ansaldo shipyard in Genoa as a specialized technician. He and my grandmother were invited to the launch on August 1st, a moment of celebration, which they attended together with an immense crowd of 150,000 people.

Antonio Bacciocchi

Scrittore, musicista, blogger. Ha militato come batterista in una ventina di gruppi (tra cui Not Moving, Link Quartet, Lilith), incidendo una cinquantina di dischi e suonando in tutta Italia, Europa e USA e aprendo per Clash, Iggy and the Stooges, Johnny Thunders, Manu Chao etc. Ha scritto una decina di libri tra cui "Uscito vivo dagli anni 80", "Mod Generations", "Paul Weller, L’uomo cangiante", "Rock n Goal", "Rock n Spor"t, Gil Scott-Heron Il Bob Dylan Nero" e "Ray Charles- Il genio senza tempo". Collabora con i mensili “Classic Rock”, "Vinile" e i quotidiani “Il Manifesto” e “Libertà”. E' tra i giurati del Premio Tenco e del Rockol Awards. Da sedici anni aggiorna quotidianamente il suo blog dove parla di musica, cinema, culture varie, sport e con cui ha vinto il Premio Mei Musicletter del 2016 come miglior blog italiano. Collabora con Radiocoop dal 2003.

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